To foster community, students in the Middle Division compete by playing Jeopardy
Maintaining Community for the MD with “Jeopardy”
The most important thing to keep alive during this time away from each other is community. Community is a sense of togetherness that we feel with others. The Middle Division leadership was tasked with finding ways to keep this sense of community alive. We came together to brainstorm ideas. A new adaptation of Group Ggames seemed like an appealing way to address this issue. The idea was approved and as “Commissioner of Group Games” it became my responsibility to construct it.
I planned it so that, once a week, the Middle Division would come together virtually for Group Games. This would be the fourth Group Games season the Middle Division has had this year. Two of those seasons are completed (handball and dodgeball) and one season is on hold until we return (kickball). To allow for the highest amount of community involvement, I live stream this new season of game for those who would like to watch.

The first day of the new Group Games season went really well. Sr. Philomena and Sr. Claire-Christi tied in the first round. Sr. Claire-Christi won in the second round by a landslide with Abbot James behind. Fr. Rupert and Fr. Nicholas didn’t perform particularly well in either round but hope to improve for the future.
The next match will be on Friday which will be round three and four. The next steps will be to continue with tournament play to decide which groups make it into the semi-finals.
The greatest benefit this new Group Games season brings is to keep the sense of community alive. We cannot drift apart during this time. This game is helping to keep the Middle Division together as a community. Every group has participated in at least one round so far. I know that people enjoy it because I heard many people say that they were eager to watch it. Community is a sense of togetherness I think that Benedict’s brings out in people. We need to stand strong as a community, even more so when we are apart.

MD students compete by answering trivia questions, covering a range of subjects including school history
“Going Viral” is a blog tracking the highs and lows of life in the St. Benedict’s community as its members weather the effects of a worldwide coronavirus outbreak.