Happy Signs Coming to Newark
Artist Killy Kilford works with art class.
September 30, 2014
Street signs are everywhere. Whether they are on Market St. or Ferry St. they all have the same objective: telling you what you can or can’t do. But British artist Killy Kilford is bringing a new twist to street signs right here in Newark.
Coming to New York, after working as an artist in England, he noticed the street signs and didn’t like the way they conveyed negative messages So, he decided to take matters into his own hands, making different signs that encourage positive thinking: “Less guns more love”, and “Less me and more we.” A new species of signs were born. He posted them all around New York City, but they were illegal and Mayor Michael Bloomberg ordered them to be removed.
Still, Mr. Kilford wanted to continue creating these signs, and didn’t believe that he committed an offense.”We weren’t damaging property we were adding to the aesthetics,” he said.
So Mr. Kilford’s ideas didn’t die in New York. Some time after Christmas, he stumbled upon a newspaper article about violence in Newark, and decided that he should come to Newark to continue making the signs. But this time, he wanted to make them legal, so he worked with Mayor Ras Baraka to make that possible. After sorting all of the legalities of the situation, he went to numerous schools to ask the students what they thought and if they could make any new signs.
One of his stops was St. Benedict’s Prep. He came to art teacher Mrs. Pamela Wye-Hunsinger’s class to present his ideas to ask the opinion of the students. He received many opinions and new sign ideas to aid in his project. Some signs created by St. Benedict’s students might be set up around Newark as well.
October 15 is set to be the “release day” for the “happy” signs. With the help of City Hall,they will be posted up around Newark in all neighborhoods that may need a little motivation.
While there are some people who might think the signs are a waste of time and money, Mrs. Wye believes that they are just what Newark needs, little tidbits of hope to brighten up peoples’ days. “I don’t think it will do any harm. Second, it gives students a chance for their voice to be heard, “ Mrs. Wye said.